
Why Corporate Retreats Are Important

 Why Corporate Retreats Are Important   Travel & Tourism No matter how many years you’ve been in management , you still cannot believe how hard it is for people to get along. The workplace should be a happy place, where people come in to do the jobs they enjoy – hopefully – and work toward better pay and promotions. Nonetheless, personalities clash, and so-and-so is out to get so-and-so and that supervisor is such a horrible person. You need to schedule company team building in Atlanta. Here’s why. Communication Is Almost Always the Problem Water cooler gossip perpetuates existing communication problems. This is where employees gather to talk trash about colleagues or supervisors or you. It doesn’t matter if what they are saying is true; it only matters that what’s being said is spreading up the office grapevine and bringing down morale. In many cases, the problem is the communicating is going on around the water cooler,  rather than between the subject parties. Most people do not